Welcome To Our Home Away from Home

Welcome to our little WordPress server that can be a gathering place while the real Balloon Juice is unavailable.

Hopefully the real site will be back soon, or at least soon-ish.  This site is rudimentary – we are not trying to recreate Balloon Juice because we have faith that the site will be back.

We’ve started by creating logins for John and Betty and Anne Laurie, and in the morning I will happily create logins for all front-pagers who are interested.

We want this place to be just comfy enough, but we’re not going to settle in.  We’ll have just a handful of categories: Open Thread, Politics, Respite, Political Action, War in Ukraine, Covid-19, etc.

I miss the front page posts, the comments, and the commenters.  So we’re hoping this temporary site can tide us over!

This is how I’ve been feeling.

How about you guys? What have you been up to?

I get most of my news from Balloon Juice, so fill me in!

Update at 3 am: There is now at least talk from 365 Data Centers about “developing recovery action plans and timetables”.  Finally!  I think it will still be awhile, and it will surely take longer than we would like, but that’s big progress.
